Understanding Services

Understanding Services

What are Services?

Services bind any record type -- for instance metadata or a redirect destination -- to chips. Similar to records in ENS or DNS, services are an open ended key value store. Unlike ENS and DNS, however, Services are typically associated on a bulk basis and they are controlled by default by service creators who can modify them behalf of chip holders. A simple example of this is a brand that redirects chips to an initial app at brand.com/app, and who subsequently upgrades the service to a new experience at app.brand.com.

Services are identified by their unique serviceId that is granted upon creation. Service IDs are just a hash of the service's name, given out on a first come first serve basis. Services contain a list of records that offer different experiences or ways to resolve the service. A ServiceRecord is structured as such:

    struct ServiceRecord {
        bytes32 recordType;
        bytes content;
        bool appendId;

Record Type

Where recordTypes are the bytes32 representation of some string (ie bytes32("tokenUri") or bytes32("contentApp")), it is expected that UI's integrating with ERS will know how to handle these different record types. While there is no on-chain directory of valid record types, community consensus will likely form around a set of standard record types. There are two record types that have special meaning in the system:

  1. tokenUri - In the case a tokenUri wasn't defined when the chip was claimed (and chip's PBT minted), the tokenUri record associated with the primaryService of the chip becomes the chip / PBTs tokenUri
  2. contentApp - The contentApp of the primaryService is the record that is resolved to when a chip is scanned


The content in a ServiceRecord is just a bytes array that can be interpreted by the UI. For example, if the recordType is tokenUri then the content should be a valid IPFS URI that points to the token's metadata. If the recordType is contentApp then the content should be a valid IPFS or Web App URI that points to the content. This field could also potentially hold contract addresses, or any other content the service owner wants to be able to resolve to.

Append ID

This option exists to be able to append the chipId to the end of the content string. This is particularly useful for contentApps that want to provide unique experiences for each chip or tokenUris that have unique content per chip.

Primary vs Secondary Services

We've made reference to primary services a few times now, but what does that mean? Primary services act as the "default" service for a given chip. This means when resolving the chip it will always resolve to the contentApp of the primaryService. Primary services can be locked in for a time period up to 1 year, this is to make sure that the issuing project is able to assert some control over content tied to the chip for a period of time post-claim. However, once this time period has elapsed the chip holder is free to change their primary service to whatever they want. This is done by calling setNewPrimaryService on the ChipRegistry and passing in the serviceId of the service you want to set as your primary service. It is worth noting that you cannot have the primaryService also be a secondary service.

Secondary services are other services that the chip holder wants to tie to the chip. This could be some sort of attestation service for example. While the chip won't resolve to these services by default, clients can be created that surface secondary services tied to the chip, thus making them easy to navigate to. Secondary services can be added by calling addSecondaryService on the ChipRegistry and passing in the serviceId of the service you want to add. This will add the service to the chip's list of services and make it resolvable by clients.

Example: Creating a Service

For an example of creating a service see Creating A Service section in our scripts documentation.