
Solidity API


Entrypoint for resolving chips added to Arx Protocol. TSMs can enroll new projects into this registry by specifying a ProjectRegistrar to manage chip claims. Chip claims are forwarded from ProjectRegistrars at which point a ERC-721 compliant "token" of the chip is minted to the claimant and other metadata associated with the chip is set. Any project looking to integrate ERS chips should get resolution information about chips from this address. Because chips are represented as tokens any physical chip transfers should also be completed on-chain in order to get full functionality for the chip.


error OffchainLookup(address sender, string[] urls, bytes callData, bytes4 callbackFunction, bytes extraData)


event ProjectEnrollmentAdded(address tsmRegistrar, address projectRegistrar, address transferPolicy, address projectPublicKey, bytes32 merkleRoot, string projectClaimDataUri)


event ProjectMerkleRootUpdated(address projectRegistrar, bytes32 merkleRoot, string projectClaimDataUri)


event ChipClaimed(address chipId, uint256 tokenId, address owner, bytes32 serviceId, bytes32 ersNode, bytes32 enrollmentId, string tokenUri)


event GatewayURLAdded(string gatewayUrl)


event GatewayURLRemoved(string gatewayUrl)


event MaxLockinPeriodUpdated(uint256 maxLockinPeriod)


event RegistryInitialized(address ers, address servicesRegistry, address tsmRegistry)


struct ProjectInfo {
  bytes32 merkleRoot;
  address projectPublicKey;
  contract ITransferPolicy transferPolicy;
  uint256 creationTimestamp;
  bool claimsStarted;
  string projectClaimDataUri;






contract IManufacturerRegistry manufacturerRegistry


contract IERS ers


contract IServicesRegistry servicesRegistry


contract ITSMRegistry tsmRegistry


bool initialized


mapping(contract IProjectRegistrar => struct ChipRegistry.ProjectInfo) projectEnrollments


string[] gatewayUrls


uint256 maxLockinPeriod


constructor(contract IManufacturerRegistry _manufacturerRegistry, string[] _gatewayUrls, uint256 _maxBlockWindow, uint256 _maxLockinPeriod) public

Constructor for ChipRegistry


_manufacturerRegistrycontract IManufacturerRegistryAddress of the ManufacturerRegistry contract
_gatewayUrlsstring[]Array of gateway URLs for resolving unclaimed chips using EIP-3668
_maxBlockWindowuint256The maximum amount of blocks a signature used for updating chip table is valid for
_maxLockinPerioduint256The maximum amount of time a chip can be locked into a service for beyond the project's creation timestamp


function addProjectEnrollment(contract IProjectRegistrar _projectRegistrar, address _projectPublicKey, contract ITransferPolicy _transferPolicy, bytes32 _merkleRoot, bytes _ownershipProof, string _projectClaimDataUri) external

_ONLY TSM REGISTRAR: Enroll new project in ChipRegistry. This function is only callable by TSMRegistrars. In order to use this function the project must first sign a message of the _projectRegistrar address with the projectPublicKey's matching private key. This key MUST be the same key used to sign all the chip certificates for the project. This creates a link between chip certificates (which may be posted online) and the deployer of the registrar hence making sure that no malicious TSM is able to steal another TSM's chips for their own enrollment (unless the private key happens to be leaked). This function will revert if the project is already enrolled. See documentation for more instructions on how to create a project merkle root.


_projectRegistrarcontract IProjectRegistrarAddress of the ProjectRegistrar contract
_projectPublicKeyaddressPublic key of the project (used to sign chip certificates and create _signature)
_transferPolicycontract ITransferPolicyAddress of the transfer policy contract governing chip transfers
_merkleRootbytes32Merkle root of the project's chip claims
_ownershipProofbytesSignature of the _projectRegistrar address signed by the _projectPublicKey. Proves ownership over the key that signed the chip custodyProofs and tsmCertificates
_projectClaimDataUristringURI pointing to location of off-chain data required to claim chips


function updateProjectMerkleRoot(contract IProjectRegistrar _projectRegistrar, bytes32 _merkleRoot, string _projectClaimDataUri) external

Update the merkle root of a project enrollment. This function is only callable by the project's public key. This function will revert if the project has already claimed a chip from this enrollment or the 7-day update time period has elapsed. New URI is required because IPFS records are immutable so changing the merkle root would require a new IPFS record.


_projectRegistrarcontract IProjectRegistrarAddress of the ProjectRegistrar contract
_merkleRootbytes32Merkle root of the project's chip claims
_projectClaimDataUristringURI pointing to location of off-chain data required to claim chips


function claimChip(address _chipId, struct IChipRegistry.ChipClaim _chipClaim, struct IChipRegistry.ManufacturerValidation _manufacturerValidation, bytes _tsmCertificate, bytes _custodyProof) external virtual

Allow a user to claim a chip from a project enrollment. Enrollment allows the chip to resolve to the project's preferred service. Additionally, claiming creates a Physically-Bound Token representation of the chip.

This function will revert if the chip has already been claimed, if invalid certificate data is provided or if the chip is not part of the project enrollment (not in the project merkle root). Addtionally, there are checks to ensure that the calling ProjectRegistrar has implemented the correct ERS logic. This function is EIP-1271 compatible and can be used to verify chip claims tied to an account contract.


_chipIdaddressChip ID (address)
_chipClaimstruct IChipRegistry.ChipClaimStruct containing information for validating merkle proof, chip owner, and chip's ERS node
_manufacturerValidationstruct IChipRegistry.ManufacturerValidationStruct containing information for chip's inclusion in manufacturer's merkle tree
_tsmCertificatebytesSignature of the chipId signed by the project's public key
_custodyProofbytesSignature of the projectPublicKey signed by the chip's private key


function transferTokenWithChip(address _chipId, address _to, bytes _payload, bytes _signature, bool _useSafeTransfer) public

Allow a user to transfer a chip to a new owner. Use ClaimedPBT logic which calls TransferPolicy to execute the transfer of the PBT and chip. Update chip's ERS node in order to keep data consistency. EIP-1271 compatibility should be implemented in the chip's TransferPolicy contract.


_chipIdaddressChip ID (address)
_payloadbytesEncoded payload containing data required to execute transfer. Data structure will be dependent on implementation of TransferPolicy
_signaturebytesSignature of the payload signed by the chip


function setOwner(address _chipId, address _newOwner, uint256 _commitBlock, bytes _signature) public

ONLY CHIP OWNER (enforced in ClaimedPBT): Sets the owner for a chip. Chip owner must submit transaction along with a signature from the chipId commiting to a block the signature was generated. This is to prevent any replay attacks. If the transaction isn't submitted within the MAX_BLOCK_WINDOW from the commited block this function will revert. Additionally, the chip's ERS node owner is updated to maintain state consistency.


_chipIdaddressThe chipId to set the owner for
_newOwneraddressThe address of the new chip owner
_commitBlockuint256The block the signature is tied to (used to put a time limit on the signature)
_signaturebytesThe signature generated by the chipId (should just be a signature of the commitBlock)


function initialize(contract IERS _ers, contract IServicesRegistry _servicesRegistry, contract ITSMRegistry _tsmRegistry) external

ONLY OWNER: Initialize ChipRegistry contract with ERS and Services Registry addresses. Required due to order of operations during deploy.


_erscontract IERSAddress of the ERS contract
_servicesRegistrycontract IServicesRegistryAddress of the ServicesRegistry contract
_tsmRegistrycontract ITSMRegistryAddress of the TSMRegistry contract


function addGatewayURL(string _gatewayUrl) external

ONLY OWNER: Add a new gateway URL to the array of gateway URLs. This array returns different URLs the client can call to get the data to resolve an unclaimed chip. The client can then use the data returned from the URL to call resolveUnclaimedChip.


_gatewayUrlstringThe URL to add to the array of gateway URLs


function removeGatewayURL(string _gatewayUrl) external

ONLY OWNER: Remove a gateway URL from the array of gateway URLs. This array returns different URLs the client can call to get the data to resolve an unclaimed chip. The client can then use the data returned from the URL to call resolveUnclaimedChip.


_gatewayUrlstringThe URL to remove from the array of gateway URLs


function updateMaxLockinPeriod(uint256 _maxLockinPeriod) external

ONLY OWNER: Update the maximum amount of time a chip can be locked into a service for beyond the project's creation timestamp


_maxLockinPerioduint256The new maximum amount of time a chip can be locked into a service for beyond the project's creation timestamp


function resolveChipId(address _chipId) external view returns (struct IServicesRegistry.Record[])

Resolve chip following EIP-3668 conventions. If the chip has been claimed, return the primary service content. If the chip hasn't been claimed then revert with an OffchainLookup error (per EIP-3668). The client can read the error and use the contents to find the required information to submit to the resolveUnclaimedChip function. This function will then return the either a bootloader app or content associated with the chip depending on if it has been included in a project enrollment.


_chipIdaddressThe chip public key

Return Values

[0]struct IServicesRegistry.Record[]The content associated with the chip (if chip has been claimed already)


function resolveUnclaimedChip(bytes _response, bytes _extraData) external view returns (struct IServicesRegistry.Record[])

Callback function for resolving unclaimed chip following EIP-3668 conventions. If the chip has been enrolled in a project and has valid certificates then return the claim app for that project. Otherwise, get the bootloader app associated with the chip from the ManufacturerRegistry and return that. The _response parameter is structured in the following way: | tsmEntries (uint256) | data (bytes) | where data is structured as follows: | [tsmEntry[0],..., tsmEntry[n], manufacturerValidation] | where tsmEntry is structured as follows: | enrollmentId (bytes32) | projectRegistrar (address) | TSMMerkleInfo | tsmCertificate | custodyProof


_responsebytesThe response from the offchain lookup
_extraDatabytesExtra data required to resolve the unclaimed chip

Return Values

[0]struct IServicesRegistry.Record[]The bootloader app or content associated with the chip


function tokenURI(uint256 _tokenId) public view returns (string)

Get tokenUri from tokenId. TokenURI associated with primary service takes precedence, if no tokenURI as part of primary service then fail over to tokenURI defined in ClaimedPBT.


_tokenIduint256Chip's tokenId

Return Values



function tokenURI(address _chipId) public view returns (string)

Get tokenUri from chip address. TokenURI associated with primary service takes precedence, if no tokenURI as part of primary service then fail over to tokenURI defined in ClaimedPBT.


_chipIdaddressChip's address

Return Values



function getGatewayUrls() external view returns (string[])


function _setERSOwnerForChip(address _chipId, address _newOwner) internal

Get ERS node from tokenData and then sets the new Owner of the chip on the ERSRegistry.


function _validateCertificates(address _chipId, address _projectPublicKey, bytes _tsmCertificate, bytes _custodyProof) internal view

Check that certificates passed as part of claim are valid. TSM cert is valid if the project public key signed the address of the chip. We then check the validity of the signed certificate which is the project public key signed by the chip.


function _areValidCertificates(address _chipId, address _projectPublicKey, bytes _tsmCertificate, bytes _custodyProof) internal view returns (bool, string)

Check that certificates passed as part of claim are valid. TSM cert is valid if the project public key signed the address of the chip. We then check the validity of the signed certificate which is the project public key signed by the chip. If one of the certificates is invalid we return false and bubble up the error message.

Return Values

[0]boolbool Whether or not the certificates are valid
[1]stringstring Error message if certificates are invalid


function _validateManufacturerMerkleProof(address chipId, struct IChipRegistry.ManufacturerValidation _manufacturerValidation) internal view

Validate inclusion in Manufacturer's chip enrollment


function _isValidTSMMerkleProof(address _chipId, struct IChipRegistry.TSMMerkleInfo _merkleProofInfo, bytes32 _enrollmentId, bytes32 _merkleRoot) internal pure returns (bool)

Indicate inclusion in TSM's merkle tree


function _validateTSMMerkleProof(address _chipId, struct IChipRegistry.TSMMerkleInfo _merkleProofInfo, bytes32 _enrollmentId, bytes32 _merkleRoot) internal pure

Validate inclusion in TSM's merkle tree


function _getChipPrimaryServiceContentByRecordType(address _chipId, bytes32 _recordType) internal view returns (string)

Grab passed record type of primary service. For purposes of use within this contract we convert bytes to string


_chipIdaddressChip's address
_recordTypebytes32Bytes32 hash representing the record type being queried

Return Values

[0]stringContent cotained in _recordType


function _encodeTokenData(bytes32 _ersNode, bytes32 _enrollmentId) internal pure returns (bytes)

ClaimedPBT has an unstructured "tokenData" field that for our implementation we will populate with the chip's ERS node and the manufacturer enrollmentId of the chip. This function structures that data.


function _decodeTokenData(bytes _tokenData) internal pure returns (bytes32, bytes32)

ClaimedPBT has an unstructured "tokenData" field that for our implementation we will populate with the chip's ERS node and the manufacturer enrollmentId of the chip. This function interprets that data.